Naval Architecture Symposium Industry Day to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark – 05-06 Dec 2018

Member news | 23 October 2018
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The NATO Ship Design Capability Group (SDCG) is seeking industry participation during their forthcoming Symposium in Copenhagen, Denmark, to inform and widen the interest and debate in specialist ship design and construction topics, stimulate discussion on NATO standards and tools leading towards a refined focus for the SDCG programme(s) of work. In addition to the opportunity to share information, another benefit to industry might be a follow-up NIAG study proposal, sponsored by the SDCG that investigates a technology’s benefit to improved interoperability or cost-effective warfighting capability Industry is invited to express their interest in attending, with any specific requests, for example over timings of their slot or specific IT support, through their national NIAG representatives to the Naval Armaments team in the NATO HQ by 30 Oct 18.

More information is available in the attached calling notice.

Calling Notice


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