Privacy policy for Norwegian Maritime Exporters

Norwegian Maritime Exporters (NME) respect your privacy. We treat your personal data in accordance with the Personal Information Act and in compliance with legal requirements.

This privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal data. We encourage you to read this privacy policy carefully. By using our publications and services, you agree to our processing of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


NME is responsible for processing your personal data in connection with our digital subscription services and membership database.

Personal information

Information provided by you

We treat the personal information you provide when you register as our member as well as information you provide voluntarily, e.g. when establishing a user profile on our website or provide information on name, company name, email address, mobile number when subscribing to our newsletter.

Information we collect

We process personal information about our members as well as companies and individuals whom are not members, but with whom we would like to develop our business relationship. The information we collect is limited to name, company name, address, email address, telephone numbers and type of business.

How we use your personal data

We collect and use your personal data in order to carry out the relationship we have with you and to provide you with our digital subscription services and other information related to NME’s activities and projects. Personal data are kept in a separate database. Personal data are shared between NME employees and with subcontractors when applicable. We will never sell your personal data.


The purpose of processing your personal data is to;

  • inform about exhibitions and conferences
  • send practical information in relation to participation at events, trade shows, seminars, etc.
  • inform about relevant news
  • carry out the relationship with our members

If you wish to continue keeping up to date on news and upcoming events from NME, you do not need to do anything. Should you no longer wish to receive information from NME, you can unsubscribe by contacting us at

Your rights

You have the right to request access to the personal data NME is processing on your behalf and to request deletion or correction of any inaccurate or incomplete personal data in accordance with applicable law requirements. You also have the right to receive a copy of the personal data we process and information on where we received your personal data if we did not receive it directly from you.

You have the right to complain to the relevant data protection supervisory authority. In Norway the supervisory authority for personal data protection is Datatilsynet. Their contact information is as follows:

Datatilsynet, Postboks 8177 Dep., 0152 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 39 69 00

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We may update this Privacy Statement at any time. We encourage you to check our Privacy Statement regularly for any changes in order to stay informed about how NME protects and uses your personal data.


If you have any questions about NME’s processing of personal data or if you want to make use of your rights as described above, please contact us at: We will endeavour to answer your questions and advise you on any steps taken to address the issues raised by you.