Invitation to the Joint Maritime Conference “Between oceans and archipelagos : Synergies and opportunities for the maritime leaders of Europe”

Member news | 19 March 2019
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The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Athens and Naftica Chronika magazine are organising a two-day conference on Tuesday, March 26 and Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation (Piraeus, Greece).

The main aim of the event titled “Between oceans and archipelagos: Synergies and Opportunities for maritime leaders of Europe” is to offer a common ground for mutually beneficial decisions between Greek and Norwegian maritime stakeholders mainly focusing on :

  • Day 1: Analyzing trends in marine technology, business models and strategies for the future.
  • Day 2: Exploring educational and career opportunities in the north and south of Europe.

Please be informed that the first day the conference will focus on leaders and companies in the shipping and maritime sector while the second day will focus on young people in shipping and business.

For details, please press here to see program.

R.S.V.P. your attendance at +30 210 9222501 or

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