Member news | 11 October 2016
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Myanmar is planning to implement bulk import and regasification of LNG project(s) in Myanmar through private sector participation.

Electric Power is a vital key to further development of Myanmar. Without power, it is impossible to run trade and industry. Norwegian companies have vast experience in a number of areas such as power generation, power optimisation and power management as well as in all aspects of the LNG business. LNG can play a pivotal role in bringing more power to the country and through LNG flexible power solutions can be found, both big-scale and small-scale.

Norway and Myanmar

Norway has been active in Myanmar since before the sanctions were lifted iMyramar Oil-Industry-LNG-Tankern 2012 and has a very good standing in the country.

A dynamic private sector is critical for long-term, sustainable poverty eradication through creating value and broadly based wealth, tax revenues and productive jobs. Better standards of living will also help to propel further democratisation.

Norway attaches great importance to business ethics, corporate conduct and environmental sustainability. We believe that Norwegian companies entering Myanmar can act as role models by setting high standards, thereby building capacity and improving the livelihood for the people of Myanmar.

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