Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg visited NME members

Member news | 9 November 2020
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Last week, Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg visited several companies on the west coast of Norway. Among these were Ekornes, Vard and Kongsberg Maritime. Kongsberg Maritime and the maritime division at Ekornes, Ekornes Contract, are both NME members. 

The Prime Minister was clearly impressed by the work done by the employees in Ekornes’ factory. Photo: Ekornes

While visiting Ekornes’ head office at Ikornes, Erna was given a tour of their facilities, including a guided tour of the factory. She expressed that she was impressed with what she saw and pleased on their behalf about the strong results Ekornes has delivered despite the pandemic. During the visit, a discussion came up focusing on what can be done to bring about even greater growth in the industry. The Prime Minister seemed interested in the topic and had several suggestions.

Erna Solberg in conversation with one of the ten apprentices Kongsberg Maritime employs in Brattvåg, Andrine Helle Hildre. Photo: Kongsberg/Peder Otto Dybvig.

At Kongsberg Maritime in Brattvåg, Erna gained insight into the company’s transformation towards the green shift and the need for knowledge development in this area. The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for world trade were also discussed.  You can read more about The Prime ministers visit to Vard and Kongsberg Maritime here!

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