New Menon report confirms the crisis in the maritime industry

Member news | 21 August 2020
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The maritime industry can be halved from 2015 to 2022 and can go from 115,000 to 66,000 employees. The industry is calling for more accurate counter-cyclical measures in the Norwegian State Budget for 2021.

In the event of repeated waves of infection, Norwegian maritime employment will fall by almost 20,000 jobs from today until the end of 2022. Without drastic deterioration or improvement of the COVID-19 pandemic, around 13,000 maritime jobs will still disappear at a national level. In both scenarios, the counter-cyclical measures that the gouverment launched earlier this summer are included in the projection.

This shows forecasts prepared by Menon Economics in a report commissioned by The Maritime Forum, NITO, Tekna, Negotia and Lederne.

Read the full report here!

Read the full article on The Maritime Forum’s website here (in Norwegian Only)

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