Norway meets Germany: Market opportunities for the maritime industry in Germany

Are you considering export to Germany?

The maritime sector is a key industry in Northern Germany and plays a decisive role in shaping the countries future economic development. Today, Germany has the fifth largest maritime industry in the world which also opens up very good business opportunities for Norwegian suppliers.

For the Chamber of Commerce, 2019 is all about maritime innovation, and they will promote cooperation and innovation across borders. At the breakfast meeting, they will provide information on relevant business areas, business networks and funding in the maritime sector.

Meet experts from the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein as well as representatives from Norwegian export organizations to discuss the needs and capabilities of the maritime sectors.

Start your export activities by joining Norwegian German Chamber of Commerses breakfast meeting 26 March 2019!


08.30 Registration and light breakfast
09.00 Welcome
09.05 The Network of Norwegian Maritime Exporters, Erlend Prytz, CEO, NME
09.15 Export market Germany and funding opportunities, Eirik Henriksen, Senior Advisor Internationalization, Innovation Norway
09.30 Business opportunities in Germany, Dr. Sabine Schulz, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Schleswig-Holstein
10.00 Networking
10.30 End of event

To read more about the event and to sign up, click button below.

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